This is a timely report! A week before Christmas Eve, the Scientific Committee for Food Safety (VKM) commissioned by the Norwegian government to study the health risks associated with salmon consumption has concluded that Norwegian salmon is good for you.
“Given the current level of the most toxic products of PCBs, dioxins and mercury, neither heavy eaters nor others ingest harmful amounts by eating fatty or lean fish,” said the experts. They claim that salmon can therefore be consumed without moderation, including by pregnant women.
Recall that until now, the Norwegian authorities have recommended that children, adolescents and pregnant women limit their consumption of fatty fish (salmon, trout, mackerel, herring) to two weekly meals so as not to expose their unborn babies to risks. sanitary facilities. These recommendations followed the publication of a study showing that Norwegian salmon reared more than 100 meters deep in farms built in the open sea exhibited abnormally high rates pollutants, dioxins, hydrocarbons, antibiotics and pesticides.
According to the new report, farmed salmon now contain 70% less dioxins and PCBs than in the last measurements, and its mercury content has been halved thanks to a change in the diet of fish. New calculations by the Norwegian Scientific Committee indicate that one can “consume more than a kilo of farmed salmon per week without risking absorbing harmful amounts of pollutants”.
And for you, will it be salmon or not on New Year’s Eve? Talk about it on our forum.