A (very) tenacious received idea affirms it: drinking a glass of wine a day is excellent for your health and it even allows you to live longer… Except that it is obviously false, as explained by a new study by the University of Victoria (in Canada).
The Canadian researchers reviewed 107 scientific studies carried out between January 1980 and July 2021, and involving a total of 4.8 million participants.
And their conclusions are very clear: people who consume “a little” alcohol daily (i.e. between 0 and 2 glasses per day, i.e. a maximum of 28 grams of pure alcohol per day) do not do not have a longer life expectancy than people who do not drink at all.
Alcohol is never good for your health!
“No alcohol consumption, no matter how moderate, is good for your health!“even say the researchers. Same story on the side of Inserm, which chants that “any alcohol consumption poses a health risk“.
“Low levels of consumption largely contribute to the new cases of cancer detected in France in 2015, Inserm experts develop. The allegedly protective effects of moderate alcohol consumption – the famous french paradox – are only the reflection of methodological problems in the studies that have suggested their existence.“
But in France, for cultural reasons, it can still be socially complicated to say totally “no” to alcohol… The health authorities therefore recommend not to consume more than 10 glasses of alcohol per week, i.e. no more than 2 glasses a day, and not every day!
Source : JAMA Network Open