In recent days, a viral video has been spreading on social networks. We see an Italian doctor, Dr Tullio Simoncini, extolling the merits of baking soda to cure … cancer. Just that !
According to this doctor, all cancers have the same origin: a fungal infection (such as yeast infection, therefore) due to a fungus named candida albicans. However, all the green cleaning professionals know it well: to eliminate a fungus, nothing like a good tablespoon of baking soda. Logic.
“If the size of the tumor is less than 3 cm, the percentage of cure will be around 90%, says Dr. Tullio Simoncini, on his Facebook page which has already collected some 6,500 likes. In the terminal phases where the patient is in fairly good condition, it is 50% ”. A low-cost, low-cost, miracle treatment without side effects … Who could say better?
Except, of course, the info is bogus. If all the mechanisms of cancerization are not known (it must be said that there are more than 100 different cancers!), Scientists know – at least – the basic process.
Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes
Explanation. Cancer develops when oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes (which are believed to regulate cell multiplication, which is essential for the body to function properly) fail. Thus, certain cells begin to multiply and develop in an anarchic manner: in the end (and after several stages), a tumor can form. No fungus on the horizon, then.
Removed from the Order of Physicians in 2006 following the death of one of his patients with cancer of theintestine, Dr. Tullio Simoncini and his questionable methods are strongly criticized by the international scientific community. “My methods have cured people for twenty years. Many of my patients have recovered completely from cancer, even in cases where official oncology had given up, ”he says.
“Baking soda is not only unnecessary, but also dangerous,” explains Prof. Rob Koene of Nijmegen University in the Netherlands. This treatment involves risks for patients with high blood pressure, diseases of the lungs, heart or kidneys, or … for patients with cancer. Well, we will have understood: the baking soda, we reserve it for the household.
Discover (anyway) the virtues of soy, this anti-cancer ally.