Like nectarine, its close cousin, nectarine is full of health properties. Appreciated for its mild and sweet flavor, nectarine is a true summer fruit, full of vitamins and antioxidants. It brings freshness and pleasure. Let’s discover the Benefits of nectarine …
Name: Nectarine, nectarine
Family: Rosaceae
Scientific name : Prunus persica
Varieties: August snow, Blanche neige, Cristal, Emeraude, Ladierose, Rosalise, Bicolore, Dorabelle, Honey Blaze
Caloric value: 46 kcal / 100 g
High season: June – August (calendar)
Producers: Italy, Spain, Greece, France
Top-5 in France (FranceAgrimer): Bouches-du-Rhône, Pyrénées-Orientales, Gard, Drôme, Tarn-et-Garonne
Storage: to enjoy the benefits of nectarine, store the fruit for 3 days at room temperature or 4 days in the refrigerator (max)
In France, we are used to clearly distinguishing between nectarine and the nectarine, but in most countries all smooth-skinned peaches are considered nectarines.
Peach, nectarine and nectarine: same fight
The real difference between the two is in the the adhesion of the kernel to the flesh. If the flesh detaches well from the pit, it is a nectarine, if it is the reverse, then it is a nectarine.
Initially, peach, nectarine and nectarine are all from of the same botanical species: peach or Prunus persica. Spontaneous genetic mutations or transplants simply gave different fruits. The peaches are juicy and their skin is velvety. Nectarines and nectarines have smooth skin and the core is free for nectarine, while it adheres to the flesh for nectarine.
Nectarine and nectarine come from same transplant : that of a plum tree on a peach tree. What you should know is that the nectarine is of French origin, while the nectarine comes from a transplant performed, originally, in the United States.
Brugnons and nectarines have similar benefits. It is a fruit rich in vitamin C (55.4 mg per 100 g), excellent for stimulating immunity. It is recognized as effective for reduce fatigue and the severity (and duration) of colds.
The benefits of nectarine
The strong antioxidant composition of nectarine also helps to protect immune cells against possible damage and to maintain a healthy immune system.
It also contains fiber which acts as a prebiotic to provide beneficial food for gut bacteria. This contributes to the good health of the intestinal flora, which improves immune health and helps prevent several diseases.
As has been said, nectarine is a variety of peach resulting from the grafting of plum and peach. It is distinguished from peach by its fragility and its smooth skin sometimes red, orange or yellow in color.
From the Rosaceae family, nectarine appeared in France in the 15th century. Star of summer, nectarine is one of the most consumed fruits in France. Delicious, sweet and thirst-quenching, it is also rich in nutrients (fibers, vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants). It is a good source of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and selenium.
Other advantages of nectarine
The health benefits of nectarine are multiple:
- Composed of 88% water, nectarine is refreshing, diuretic and effective in eliminating toxins of the body.
- By its fiber content and its laxative properties, it helps fight against constipation and promotes intestinal transit.
- She helps to protect the body against free radicals, cellular aging and certain cancers thanks to its constitution in antioxidants.
- The nectarine is rich in beta-carotene, a pigment responsible for its coloring and precursor of vitamin A which promotes the growth of bones, teeth and good eye health.
- Source of potassium (210 mg / 100 g), it is beneficial for the heart because it helps regulate blood pressure and ensures the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.
- She limits the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the arteries which causes atheromatous plaques.
- When its leaves are used as a poultice it allows reduce burns.
- We also recognize him its effectiveness against anemia due to its iron composition.
Practical advice
To choose the right nectarine it is necessary to opt for the one which has the firm flesh, well scented, well colored and without brown spot. When ripe it is supple to the touch.
Nectarine can be kept 1 to 3 days in ambient air, away from heat and light. You should avoid stacking them one on top of the other because it is a rather fragile fruit. Keeping it in the refrigerator is not recommended because the refrigerator dehydrates it and its flesh becomes cottony. It can, however, be frozen; just cut it in half, pit it and blanch it in lemon water for 2 minutes.
This wonderful fruit can be eaten plain (raw), or in fruit salad, jam, compote, sorbet, soufflé, pie, donut, or be cooked with meats and poultry.
Read also:
Peach, the summer fruit to rejuvenate
They don’t count for plums
The plum, a pride of Lorraine
Nectarine or nectarine, how to tell the difference?
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All fruits
Nectarine cake recipe
- 4 nectarines
- 200 g flour
- 1 sachet of baking powder
- 120g sugar
- 2 eggs
- 80 g butter
- 55 g milk
- In the bowl of the robot, we mix the butter with the sugar then we add the eggs and mix.
- Then add the milk, then the flour, the baking powder and mix until a soft dough is obtained which is poured into the mold after having lightly buttered it.
- Finally, cut the nectarines into quarters, place them on the dough by pushing in slightly and put in the oven for 45 minutes at 190 °.