The Covid epidemic intensified in December. There last week, the increase in the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 continued and hospital indicators are still on the rise, according to the latest epidemiological bulletin from Public Health France (December 16). “The number of new hospitalizations continued to increase”, specifies Public Health France.
Currently it is the subvariant of Omicron, the BA.5which is ubiquitous in France and in particular the subvariant BQ1.1 (62%).
The common cold and Covid-19 have (at least) one thing in common: they are two viral respiratory diseases. While the common cold (or “rhinopharyngitis” in medical parlance) can be caused by more than 200 different viruses, Covid-19 stems from infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
Symptoms: is it possible to confuse the common cold with Covid-19?
In terms of symptoms,Covid-19 and the common cold are quite different, you can easily tell the difference yourself, at home“says Dr. Philippe Laurent, pulmonologist.
Thus, nasopharyngitis causes rhinorrhea (we have a runny nose), nasal obstruction (we have a stuffy nose), mild fatigue with possibly a feeling of “heavy head”, sneezing (with nasal itching) and/ or mild pain in the nose / between the two eyes.
“When suffering from a cold, there are no headaches (that is to say: no major headaches), no intense fatigue, no fever (the temperature does not exceed 38° C) and no cough“adds Dr. Philippe Laurent.
To know. In addition, nasopharyngitis has a seasonality: the common cold is thus more frequent between the beginning of autumn and the end of spring.
Conversely, Covid-19 is characterized by fever (above 38°C), a more or less severe cough (oily or dry), abnormally intense fatigue (we speak of asthenia), headaches sometimes severe (headaches), sometimes a loss of taste and/or smell (ageusia/anosmia) and/or digestive signs (diarrhea, etc.).
Attention ! “In young adults and children, the symptoms of Covid-19 are different and often milder than in adults: it is therefore possible to confuse nasopharyngitis and Covid-19” remarks the pulmonologist.
I have symptoms that are reminiscent of a cold: when should I consult?
It is not necessarily necessary to make an appointment with the doctor in the event of symptoms that are reminiscent of a cold. However, it is preferable to consult in case of fever (temperature above 38°C), shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, digestive signs (vomiting, etc.) or difficulty swallowing. Ditto if the cold symptoms do not regress (or worsen!) after 15 to 20 days. “A video consultation with your doctor is enough (so as not to contaminate another person in the waiting room), if you have any doubtsremarks Dr. Philippe Laurent.
In children older than 3 months, an appointment with the doctor is made if there is a fever, if the stuffy nose / runny nose does not improve after about ten days , if there are respiratory signs (the child is breathing badly, he is out of breath…), if there are digestive signs (refusal to eat, vomiting, diarrhoea…) or even if he there is conjunctivitis (with swollen, glued or purulent eyelids).
To know. “If there are signs that may suggest Covid-19, in children or adults, the doctor will prescribe a screening test (PCR or antigen): he can make this prescription by telephone. While waiting for the result, stay at home, in isolationrecommends Dr. Philippe Laurent. If you are in doubt about your symptoms, it is important to get tested, especially if you are at risk of a severe form of Covid-19: if you are over 65, if you suffer from a chronic illness (kidney or respiratory failure, for example) or if you are taking immunosuppressive treatment (chemotherapy, for example).“
Thanks to Dr. Philippe Laurent, pulmonologist at the Aressy clinic (Pyrénées-Atlantiques – ELSAN group).
Source : Health Insurance