A participatory strategy. The big health issues awaiting the government are open to discussion. More specifically, the Ministry of Health has launched an online public consultation intended to gather the opinions of the French on the national health strategy. Agnès Buzyn, Minister of Solidarity and Health, wishes to obtain the opinion of Internet users before setting up her roadmap for the next five years.
The French are invited to express themselves on the draft national health strategy on a dedicated space hosted on the ministry’s website: http://strategie.sante.gouv.fr. This is open to proposals until November 25 inclusive.
This space is the result of a consultation phase carried out since September with other ministries and with representatives of the health sector, elected officials and users, indicates the ministry in a statement. What are the sites on which it is possible to react? They relate to the four priority themes identified by the Government, namely: “health promotion and prevention, [la] fight against social and territorial inequalities, [la] quality and [la] relevance of care, [l’]innovation and [la] place of citizens in the health system governance as well as on specific aspects relating to the health of children, adolescents and young people, in Corsica and in overseas communities. ”A questionnaire is also available to clearly convey ideas.
Implementation in the first half of 2018
“The responses collected will enrich the draft national health strategy before its adoption by the Interministerial Committee for Health in December,” said the ministry. This will be the subject of a decree before the end of 2017 for the programs to be applied from the first half of 2018.
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