The whole world envies our health care system. It must be said that we often hear that “in France, health care is free”. If obviously we are among the best off on the planet, the reality is however a little less idyllic. Because, since its creation in 1945, Social Security has continued to disburse certain acts and drugs that it does not consider effective enough. And the mutuals supposed to reimburse all or part of the remainder are not always as generous as expected. Especially with the elderly.
Created in the early 1930s by workers who pooled money to help those affected by an inability to work, mutuals are at the origin of non-profit solidarity organizations. Each member pays the same rate, regardless of their age and state of health. But, fifteen years ago, the arrival of large insurance groups on the mutual market changed the situation. Now we want to make a profit. Some mutuals refuse to insure people over 75 and others multiply by 3 the membership rate for seniors compared to that of a young worker. Mutuals do not like the elderly who are more at risk of experiencing health problems …
Today, 3 million people find themselves without a mutual insurance fund for lack of funds. This is 500,000 more than two years ago. Even if 95% of French people are covered, the proportion of people without access to a mutual health insurance should continue to increase if nothing is done to protect the most vulnerable populations. The Sofinscope survey (OpinionWay Barometer
for Sofinco) devoted to French health expenditure and made public on January 22, shows that 14% of citizens have already delayed or given up membership in a mutual because of the price.
This is why some citizens want to sue mutuals for discrimination on the grounds that they violate the constitutional principle of solidarity between populations.
Other encouraging initiatives are carried out by municipalities which negotiate prices directly with mutuals for their citizens. This is the case, for example, of the village of Caumont sur Durance in the Vaucluse, which brought together 300 people around the same mutual.
When we know that in 2014, the mutual insurance market represents 37 billion euros, citizens have the right to want to enjoy a part of the cake themselves, even at the age of 75 …

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To find out more about the mutual business:
Health Survey: These very dear mutuals, presented by Marina Carrère d’Encausse, Michel Cymes and Benoît Thevenet, Tuesday January 27 at 8:40 p.m. on France 5
After the documentary has been broadcast, Marina Carrère d’Encausse, Michel Cymes and Benoît Thevenet return live to the subject in the company of experts and witnesses.
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