Cleaning your ears can lead to the hospital, at least if you misuse a cotton swab. Between 1990 and 2010, 260,000 young Americans presented to an emergency department with an ear injury.
This study, published in The Journal of Pediatrics and relayed by Le Figaro, was carried out using the databases of around a hundred hospitals. The results, representative of the situation throughout the territory, were then extrapolated, as is the case, for example, for a survey.
And again, the authors point out, this figure does not take into account the number of injuries that did not result in medical attention.
The nature of these accidents attests to poor use of the rods: the sensation of foreign bodies (39%), bleeding (35%) and pain in the ears (17%). “In a third of cases, a foreign body was detected, while the diagnosis of perforation of the eardrum was made for a quarter of these accidents”, supports the daily.
Most of the time, it is the children themselves who cause these injuries by cleaning their ears.
Specialists repeat it tirelessly, the cotton swab should never enter the ear canal but is useful outside the ear. “Earwax, or human wax, already has the function of protecting, cleaning, and lubricating the ear canal,” recalls the journalist. Naturally expelled outside the ear, it can then be eliminated with the cotton swab.
Last advice from specialists: if you want to treat your ears too much, you can also promote the formation of eczema!