A former candidate for the television show “Love is in the meadow” has Ménière’s disease, a chronic pathology.
- Ménière’s disease usually appears between the ages of 40 and 60.
- As the disease progresses, the second ear may also be affected.
“Today I’m not in great shape, I have vertigo again, tinnitus, hearing loss in my left ear and especially great fatigue, explains about his instagram account Stéphanie, candidate for “Love is in the meadow” 2021, a program broadcast on M6. “I realize that I will have to live with this disease.“The pathology in question is Ménière’s disease.
What is Ménière’s disease?
It is a chronic disease of the organ of balance. According to the Adolphe Rothschild Foundation Hospital“it is related to a dysfunction of the fluid pressure balance of the inner ear, unrelated to blood or eye pressure”.
This pathology is generally characterized by attacks of vertigo which begin suddenly and are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting as well as progressive loss of hearing and tinnitus, i.e. ringing in the affected ear. In general, the seizures last a few hours during which the patient has difficulty hearing.
How is the diagnosis made?
At first, it is sometimes difficult to establish the diagnosis. If there is a suspicion, doctors usually have the patient take several tests, such as inner ear imaging and/or audiometric testing. This is often carried out by an Oto-Rhino-Laryngologist (ENT) doctor who performs an exploration of the external and middle ear as well as an audiogram, that is to say a series of tests to measure the capacity auditory.
What are the treatments ?
The first recommendations made to patients concern their way of life: go to bed and get up at fixed times, avoid stimulants in large quantities – such as coffee, tea, sodas or cigarettes – and limit cooking salt. In parallel, diuretic drugs can also be delivered to patients to reduce the pressure of the fluids contained in the inner ear.
Then, at a more advanced stage of the disease, surgery can also be considered. to reduce pressure in the inner ear or to eliminate the role of the affected inner ear in maintaining balance. Finally, sophrology sessions can also help people with Ménière’s disease to better manage their bodily sensations during crises.