The microbiota is more than 100,000 billion microorganisms living their lives in every corner of our body: ten times more than the number of cells of which it is composed. This community of bacteria accompanies us long before we are born and researchers are gradually discovering all the pathologies in which the microbiota is involved.
Digestive disorders (especially irritable bowel syndrome), allergies (especially asthma), metabolic disorders (obesity and diabetes), neurodegenerative diseases (depression, Parkinson disease…: bacteria would have a role in all these diseases. Some experts even consider them today as a body in their own right.
Such a community deserved to have its own website. This is done with a new information portal,, aimed at both health professionals and the general public, which offers a better understanding of the links between microbiota, probiotics and health. Edited by Pileje (laboratory number 2 on the market for the distribution of food supplements in France, very invested in research on microbiota), this site has for him not to be an advertising platform but rather an information portal which makes it possible to see things more clearly in all research on bacteria.
Did you know ?
– 95% of the bacteria we harbor are housed in the digestive tract, which represents between 1 and 2 kg of our body weight.
– 800 to 1000 species of bacteria make up the gut microbiota of an adult
– 80 million bacteria are exchanged during a 10 second kiss
– A couple who kisses 9 times during the same day will have an identical oral microbiota at the end of the day.
Read also :
These bacteria that wish us well
The less bacteria you have in your gut, the fatter you are