The meningitis is an “invasive meningococcal infection” (IMD) which particularly affects the tissues surrounding the brain: the meninges. This potentially fatal disease (and which can cause significant after-effects, particularly auditory) is caused by a bacterium: meningococcus or Neisseria meningitidis. The most common in France are group B, C, W and Y meningococci. The main symptoms (in children andteenager) are high fever, red or purple patches on the skin, stiff neck, loss of consciousness or vomiting*.
Four cases have been diagnosed since the end of February in Beaujolais – three of them have been cured, but the fourth is still in hospital. Also, the Regional Health Agency (ARS) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes has just launched a “punch” vaccination campaign this Wednesday, April 6, 2016.
12 municipalities in the Rhône are concerned
4,330 people aged 2 months to 24 years are concerned in 12 municipalities in the Rhône: Blacé, Cercié, Charentay, Marchampt, Odenas, Le Perréon, Quincié-en-Beaujolais, Saint-Étienne-des-Oullières, Saint-Étienne-la- Varenne, Saint-Lager, Salles-Arbuissonnas-en-Beaujolais and Vaux-en-Beaujolais.
The goal? Avoid the epidemic. It is a question of circumscribing “as quickly as possible” this strain of meningitis which has significant “epidemiological potential”, if not “necessarily the most virulent”, explained Anne-Marie Durand, director of public health at the ARS, to our colleagues from West France.
We recall that the meningitis B vaccine (baptized Bexsero) has been available in France since January 2013. Developed by the Swiss laboratory Novartis, it would be effective against meningococcal B, which is responsible for nearly 80% of cases of meningococcal infections in infants in France .
Bacterial meningitis: a campaign to relaunch vaccination.