Decided at the end of 2012, the abandonment of the pharmaceutical sticker entered into force on Sunday. This measure should make it possible to simplify and improve the traceability of the medicinal product.
The price and reimbursement rate of drugs on their box, it’s over! The decree removing pharmaceutical labels was indeed published on Saturday in the Official Journal and entered into force on Sunday. This information, which no longer appears on the packaging, will now be available on a national online database.
A detailed invoice on the back of the original prescription
So far, there have been four types of thumbnails. Medicines with an orange sticker are reimbursed at 15% by Social Security (medicines with low medical service); those with a blue sticker at 30% (medicinal products with moderate benefit); those with a 65% white sticker (drugs with major or significant actual benefit), or those with a 100% crossed out white sticker (drugs recognized as irreplaceable and expensive). Finally, certain drugs, which the High Authority for Health (HAS) considers to be of “low actual benefit”, are not reimbursed.
As of today, the pharmacist will give the patient with a medical prescription a detailed bill on paper. “This is the” Ticket Vitale “, printed on the back of the original of the order,” said the Ministry of Health. In fact, this ticket specifies, for each reimbursable drug issued, the price, the coverage rate and, where applicable, the flat-rate liability rate (reimbursement basis).
A national e-base will provide information on the price of non-prescription drugs
Finally, information on the prices of reimbursable drugs purchased without a prescription will be accessible in the pharmacy by means of a display, an electronic catalog or an Internet access interface. The latter will provide access to public prices updated daily from the national database on the site.
The Ministry of Health recalled that “the sticker on the boxes of drugs is specific to France. It is a source of administrative and technical complications, and above all turns out to be superfluous: all drugs now have a traceability code (the “Datamatrix”) and the transmission of treatment sheets to Health Insurance is now fully computerized. “