80% of French people have vitamin D levels insufficient(1). Vitamin D has many benefits for our body.It contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, good dental health, normal functioning of the immune system and good muscle function. Its role in the functioning of the immune system is all the more important in the current pandemic period. Vitamin D is thus recommended by the medical community and the National Academy of Medicine, which recommends a daily intake of 800 to 1000 IU.
Vitamin D is a substance naturally synthesized by our body in the skin under the action of ultraviolet rays from the sun and can also be provided by certain foods. However, different parameters can influence the production or intake of vitamin D and vitamin D requirements are different for everyone. Supplementation can then provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamin D.
UVE D3 800 IUthe vitamin D tablet suitable for everyone!
UVE D3 comes in the form of orange-flavoured orodispersible tablets in a Blister in pillbox format (with day of the week). It therefore makes it possible to deliver the right dose every day while promoting good compliance with the product.
UVE D3 800 IU is suitable for the whole family and useful for all ages. It is recommended for children and adolescents in growth spurts as well as adults to maintain their physical well-being. This dietary supplement is particularly recommended for people who are not exposed to the sun much, as well as for postmenopausal women.
To know: this product also exists in drinkable drops, a form more suitable for young children.
Using advice :
The recommended dose is 1 tablet per day corresponding to 800 IU/d of vitamin D3 (20ug/d of cholecalciferol) or 400% of the NRV (Nutritional Reference Values).
The tablet is specially designed to be administeredstar without water: let it melt under the tonguenotand don’t chew it. However, it can also be dissolved in a glass of water if you prefer.
Do not exceed the recommended dose.
To know more on UVE D3, go to www.crinex.fr(https://crinex.fr/nutrition-et-metabolisme/72-uve-d3-800-ui-comprimes-orodispersibles-3664663000059.html)
Availability: pharmacy
Average price observed: €8.50tax included
(1) Blonde, Bridget. The French deficient in vitamin D. Le Quotidien du Médecin, June 20, 2021. Source:https://www.lequotidiendumedecin.fr/archives/les-francais-carences-en-vitamine-d
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