Just one cigarette a day is enough to damage heart health, according to results of a study published in the medical journal BMJ.
Researchers from the University of Ottawa in Canada conducted a meta-analysis of 55 studies published between 1946 and 2015. They incorporated data on several million people.
Moderate smoking disturbs the heart
The results of the study showed that to smoke even moderately is a risk factor for cardiovascular illnesses.
Smoking just one cigarette a day puts you at risk of developing coronary heart disease and stroke much bigger than expected, about half that run by people who smoke 20 a day. And this risk is even more marked in women. For them, a single cigarette a day increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 57%, while for men, light smoking increases it by 48%.
The study also reveals that the passive smoking, carries a significant cardiovascular risk. Scientists have noted that enforcement of laws banning smoking in public places results in steep declines in hospital admissions (about 15%) for heart disease and stroke.
“Around 900 million people smoke worldwide. If trends continue, an estimated one billion premature deaths from smoking will occur in this century. Cardiovascular disease, not Canceris the greatest risk of death from smoking, causing approximately 48% of premature smoking-related deaths,” the researchers conclude.
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