“In 2019, every Monday I replace meat and fish”. This is what just committed 500 personalities (artists, scientists, sportsmen, public actors) who sign a call for a “green Monday” in a World forum. Personalities who thus join the movement “meatless Monday” which already exists in forty countries.
Heading or not heading?
Respect for animals, respect for the planet and health care : there are many reasons to eat less meat. Will you be “on course or not on course” wonders the home page of the site lundi-vert.fr, where everyone is invited to join in this transition towards a consumption more vegetarian.
On the site, a team of researchers from several institutions will offer to support each week new flexitarians in their approach, “as part of a scientific project on sustainable change in eating habits”.
Launch of the first “Green Monday” on January 7, 2019. To help you, discover here the 3 keys to succeed in your vegetarian diet.
In # 2019, we are 500 researchers and personalities to commit ourselves to the #Green Monday “without #meat or #fish“, for the # biodiversity, the #animals, the #health. @MondayVert_fr
And you ? Green Monday or Green Week? List of signatories onhttps://t.co/8TDM1JthCXpic.twitter.com/OHw2O77y2j– Astrid GUILLAUME (@AstridGUILLAUME) January 3, 2019
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