An Italian woman has learned that she is pregnant with twins conceived in vitro by another couple. In question, an exchange of embryos within the framework of medically assisted procreation.
A woman pregnant with a child from another couple? This story, revealed by the Italian daily La Stampa, would have started on December 4 in a hospital in Rome, Sandro Pertini, because of an embryo exchange. The mother was in the fourth month of her pregnancy when she learned of the error made by the Roman hospital. A genetic test revealed that the parents and the embryo were not compatible.
Italian Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin announced that she had opened an inspection within the hospital, to understand the reasons for such an error but also to ensure that other errors were not made at the beginning of December . The departmental health agency announced that it was still awaiting confirmation of a definitive test.
The couple “shocked” by the news.
The couple’s lawyer, Michele Ambrosini, told Ansa, an Italian news agency, that they were “shocked” by the news. He added, speaking of his client, “She’s a poor woman who ends up with two healthy babies, what should she do?” Despite the pain, she has decided to keep the twins for the moment, but the couple are very shocked, their pain and their privacy must be respected, ”concluded the couple’s lawyer.
The medical unit specializing in reproduction and sterility has been closed by the Lazio region until further notice.
This is not the first time that an embryo exchange case has taken place in a hospital. Similar stories had taken place in Britain and Italy, but the error was discovered within an hour of insemination.