Is eating organic good for your health? To answer this question on the links between organic food and health, a new study has been set up by NutriNet Santé. It will involve 100,000 participants and will last 5 years.
Professor Serge Hercberg (nutritional epidemiologist) has been in charge for nearly 5 years of the NutriNet-Santé study, a project that studies eating behaviors and the relationship between diet and the state of health of the French. It goes further today by launching a new specific section. The latter will constitute a major study on the consumption of foods from organic farming, its determinants and its nutritional, economic, environmental and toxicological impact.
The objectives of this survey
This study led by Dr. Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot and Pr. Serge Hercberg will help to understand who eats organic food and what their psychological and economic motivations are.
To deepen the investigation, 300 volunteers (consumers or non-consumers of organic products) will undergo blood tests which will establish their level of vitamins, minerals, and toxicological test to measure their level of pesticides. Researchers will be able to assess whether these rates change according to diet and understand whether consuming organic products has a positive impact on health and on the protection of chronic diseases.
To participate in this survey
Whether you are an organic consumer or not, to participate in this major study, you just need to be 18 years old and have a valid email address.
Participants registered on the NutriNet-Santé website will be monitored for 5 years.
The study will involve at least 100,000 participants, including 50,000 occasional or regular consumers of organic food and 50,000 consumers of food from traditional agriculture. 35,000 organic consumers have already answered the call. And you, are you tempted to take part in this great survey?