The ideal bedroom temperature is 18 degrees Celsius
Good question! In this section PlusOnline goes in search of answers to nagging questions. This time: does it hurt to sleep with the heating on at night?
The heating in your house is probably working overtime with temperatures around freezing point, and there is a great temptation to keep your heating on in your bedroom at night as well. But can that hurt?
A cool body temperature is important for a good night’s sleep. When it gets darker, your body makes melatonin. This hormone makes you sleepy and your body temperature drops. Melatonin production is highest around 3 a.m., which means your body is at its coldest around that time.
Sleep less well
Is your bedroom very hot? Then your body can’t get rid of the heat properly, making it harder for you to fall asleep. In addition, the air in your room becomes very dry due to the heating, which can cause you to cough and suffer from stuffiness. That is why it is better not to turn on the heating in the bedroom. If you do want to heat your room a bit, make sure that it does not exceed 18 degrees Celsius. According to Hans Hamburger, neurologist and somnologist (specialist sleep medicine), the ideal bedroom temperature is on average around 18 degrees Celsius. In this way you help your body to get into a regular sleep rhythm and therefore sleep well.
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