Gale cases have been progressing in France and Europe since the post-Cavid period. How to avoid contagion of this parasitic disease?
- Scabies, a contagious skin disease caused by a microscopic parasite, has experienced an upsurge in France and Europe since 2024. It causes intense itching and is transmitted by direct contact.
- To limit the transmission, it is imperative to respect hygiene rules and to decontaminate the environment: wash the laundry at 60 ° C; Place non -washable objects in an airtight bag for at least three days; Apply an acaricide to textile surfaces …
- In communities (crèches, retirement homes, schools), it is recommended to isolate the patient for three days after the start of treatment. However, increased vigilance is necessary because the parasite can survive longer on the tissues.
Scabies is a highly contagious skin condition caused by a microscopic parasite, Sarcoptes Scabiei Var. hominis. This one digs furrows under the skin to lay its eggs there, causing an inflammatory reaction and intense itching, especially at night. Since the post-Covid period, and especially in 2024, the disease has experienced a significant resurgence In France And in Europeprioritizing children, students and health professionals. Recently, it is within the elementary school of Pont-Sainte-Marie, in the department of Aube, that new cases have been detected.
If, unlike some received ideas, scabies are not linked to a lack of hygiene, promiscuity and contacts promote its spread, especially in schools and care. How to guard against it?
Recognize scabies
There are several forms of scabies: the common scabs, not very contagious, which causes intense itching (especially at night) and lesions located in skin folds (between fingers, wrists, elbows …) and profuse scabs, very contagious, which extends throughout the body and mainly affects immunocompromised or elderly people.
The scabies is mainly transmitted by direct contact and prolonged skin to skin with an infected person. Transmission by contaminated objects (clothing, bedding, toys …) is rarer but possible, especially for the profuse scabies. Note that a person can be contagious without knowing it because the first signs appear one to six weeks after contamination, which complicates the rapid identification of the infection foci.
Good gestures to avoid transmission
To limit the spread of the parasite, theHealth insurance recommends washing your hands with soap and soap regularly and carefully, using single user pads, not to exchange clothes, or to protect yourself with gloves and a blouse for the handling of linen and personal care. Please note, hydroalcolic solutions are not effective against scabies parasite.
At the same time, it is imperative to decontaminate the environment: wash the linen (sheets, clothes, towels) at 60 ° C; Place non -washable objects in an airtight bag for at least three days (the mite cannot live at room temperature); suck the house and immediately throw the vacuum bag; Apply an acaricide to textile surfaces (sofas, armchairs) before washing them.
In case of infection, drug treatment is based on permethrin creams or on oral antiparasitices. It must be followed rigorously and include the close entourage to avoid any reinfestation. In communities (crèches, retirement homes, schools …), it is recommended to isolate the patient for three days after the start of treatment. Increased vigilance remains however necessary because the parasite can survive longer on the tissues.