Ah! those little winter pounds that sap our morale when the good weather comes… tired and lacking in energy. This is also the case when we get older, and especially after menopause. The good idea to be good in your body again? Attack a gentle but effective and well-targeted detox. It will allow both to get rid of a few extra pounds and to put a stop to dietary excesses by acquiring good reflexes for your health and figure. As a bonus, this intelligent purification provides new vitality.
The principle is to adopt a “hypotoxic” diet, which will help the body to eliminate pesticides, chemical and artificial substances present in excess in industrial dishes in particular, and not to recharge in toxins. Indeed, these endocrine disruptors disrupt the hormonal balance and can promote weight gain or prevent weight loss…
Read also: Eat better to live longer in good health
Eat light, colorful and tasty with a zest of cheerfulness
We are therefore focusing more on foods of excellent nutritional quality, tasty, simple and satisfying. We forget the saltthe sugaralcohol, coffee in excess… In short, everything that slyly intoxicates us and keeps us in a state of semi-dependence to junk food and comfort foods but without much interest for the organism. We eat colorful and tasty by highlighting seasonal products. We use and abuse spicesfresh herbs and oilseeds. In summary, a cheerful and sunny cuisine, good for the morale as much as for the silhouette. Focus on well-being and lightness!
Our expert
Valérie Espinasse, micronutritionist
In her latest book, Valérie Espinasse offers three detoxes to choose from: slimming, well-being/energy or digestive.
Advice, menus, shopping list and tracking book allow you to feel guided and not give in to discouragement.
“My Good Detox – Your personalized cure in 3 weeks”, ed.Leduc.s.
Read also:
9 tips to make your diet detox
Detox: 5 juices to regain energy and vitality
The main principles of Good Detox