One shower a day no more
In the absence of heat wave, we wash in the shower at most once a day, without forgetting the back, the navel – a real nest of germs – and the interstices between the toes. And we take the time to dry off.
Why is it good? More would be too much. The washes “clean” by altering the lipid film and the protective flora of the stratum corneum. If necessary, only a local toilet is added (hands, feet, private parts). And drying yourself properly prevents fungus.
Extra advice: be careful not to enter the bathroom with your street shoes… you contaminate your bare feet when you get out of the shower and then you take the germs to your sheets!
In the toilet, wash your hands also before
We know very well that we must wash one’s hands after going to the toilet, but washing them before is also useful.
Why is it good? By washing your hands “before”, you protect your privacy from viruses: oral herpes or genital, warts, viruses and germs travel easily from one body to another. When you leave the toilet, you wash your hands again without touching anything, especially not the door handles of the toilet. A study has shown that during an epidemic 10 to 20% of them contained the gastrointestinal virus.
In society: the hug rather than the handshake
It’s simple: instead of shaking hands that may be carrying viruses, it’s better to prefer a warm hug! For Dr. Saldmann, it makes everyone happy and it’s healthier. Especially in flu season !
Why is it good? In addition to the fact that the “hug” is very fashionable for its relational benefits (reduced stress, increased immune defenses via the production of attachment hormones), it has the merit of exposing us less to germs!
In restaurants, a tablecloth is better!
Samples taken from 46 tables in Parisian restaurants in 2016 showed that 15% of the tables were soiled by a high concentration of enterobacteriaceae of faecal origin (from previous guests who do not wash their hands in the toilet). Especially in the gastronomic period, it is better to choose restaurants that have kept cloth or paper tablecloths. Eating clean is the minimum!
Why is it good? Via cutlery and brought to the mouth, these bacteria from the digestive system are carriers of bacteria or viruses that can trigger diseases (common gastroenteritis but sometimes not…). Washing your hands or rubbing them with disinfectant gel is not enough if the meal surfaces are soiled.
Water better than paper for the gluteal sulcus
We use paper to wipe ourselves after defecating. Better to wash with soap and water. Long live the bidet at home or simply the shower after the morning bowel movement, advises Dr. Saldmann. Away from home, we adopt mineral water baby wipes!
Why is it good? A paper does not remove the germs that proliferate in the gluteal groove. In addition, women risk contaminating their vagina if they take the wrong direction (always backwards). And even with an ultra soft paper, the simple fact of rubbing the skin of the buttocks and mainly the intergluteal sulcus can irritate the mucous membrane, which makes it more permeable to germs. If you notice any redness in this area, see a doctor.
Read also :
Hygiene: antibacterial soaps would be useless
Here’s What Happens When You Don’t Clean Your Belly Button!