May 1, 2019.
Labor Day, Victory Day, Ascension Day and Pentecost… May is a month full of bridges. A good opportunity to recharge your batteries.
Reconnect with nature and express your creativity to recharge your batteries
The virtues of gardening are numerous and we recognize in this activity its resourcing character. You don’t have a garden? No problem: you can always put flowers on your balcony or even a few pots of aromatic herbs on the edge of your windows. Some plants even do well inside an apartment. If you are lucky enough to have a small green space, set up a zen garden by combining different plants and minerals.
May is the month when lily of the valley bells and other forest flowers bloom. Direction the forest to go pick lily of the valley. They say that this flower brings good luck, here is a good opportunity to offer it to those around you and thus create a bond. This walk will also be extremely profitable for you to reconnect with nature: smell these new smells, listen to the singing birds, admire Creation, its calm, its luxuriance. Nature is extremely rejuvenating and soothing.
As the good old saying goes, ” In May, do what you like “. Also, give free rein to your imagination to start creating: painting, sewing, drawing… The choice is vast! Take advantage of these few holidays to allow your creative spirit to express itself. The satisfaction you will feel afterwards will be extremely beneficial and refreshing for your morale, so do not deprive yourself of it.
Clean up your home and your head thanks to sport and digital detox
Have you noticed? Very often, the return of good weather gives frenetic desires of cleaning and tidying up. In May, make good use of your free days to sort through your clothes and belongings. Give away what can be used and throw away what is broken. If necessary, read the famous book by Marie Kondo The magic of storage. As strange as it may seem, to clear your home is also to clear your head. A simple and effective way to recharge your batteries.
Like many people, surely you have the impression that you have hibernated during the winter and feel that your body has not practiced enough physical activities? It’s not too late to get into sport! May is even the best time for this. Outside, it’s neither too hot nor too cold and nature is beautiful: Get out your sneakers, your bike or your walking shoes and work out.
The month of May offers many public holidays which allow you to break the rhythm of work. So take advantage of the bridges to do a digital detox. No more screens; pause your phone, tablet and TV. Finish reading this article, turn off that computer and go do one of the rejuvenating activities listed above!
Perrine Deurot-Bien
Read also: Tips for taking care of yourself when spring arrives