Between the petits fours, the aperitif, the alcoholic drinks, the foie gras, the salmon, the turkey, the cheese and the log, it is not easy to get it all through without a hitch, especially since we are generally not used to such feasts. Results, nausea, bloating, gas and other gastric burns invite themselves in spite of us at the table …
So to calmly prepare for the holidays and avoid getting sick, think about plants! Angelica, clay, artichoke, boldo, charcoal, milk thistle, desmodium, fennel, fumitory, blueberry, black radish, rosemary… can help you strengthen your digestive system. How to use them? Can they be used to prevent digestive disorders?
To answer all these questions and many others, our pharmacist can help you see more clearly by answering your questions in the dedicated forum.
Pascale Imbert is a Doctor of Pharmacy specializing in herbal medicine and aromatherapy. She has been working for more than 20 years in the field of plants and complementary medicines. Teaches at the Lyonnaise School of Medicinal Plants (ELPM) and has founded a training center in natural therapies.
Our files to go further
Prevent digestive disorders
Herbal medicine
Tips for digesting well during the holidays