Your child observes you and imitates you. Do not hesitate to set an example to convey the notion of sharing.
To transmit the notion of sharing to your child, it is important not only to explain to him the consequences of his actions and those of others, but also to show him the example.
From what age to start?
If it is possible to try to instill in your child the notion of sharing from birth, before the age of 4, it is difficult for him to understand it because he lives in an egocentric vision of his environment. He will therefore always put his needs and desires before those of others and will have more difficulty putting himself in their shoes.
After this age, the child can understand the other person’s sadness or anger but still refuse to share. With practice, he will gradually understand that he can give pleasure by sharing and find a profit in exchange.
How to help him to understand sharing?
With the help of games, especially role-playing, you help your child to put themselves in the shoes of others. Also promote games that allow cooperation with other children to make him understand the benefit of being with others.
Rather than forcing him to share by deciding for him, you can encourage him to play, for example, with a toy for a little while and then take it to his friend who would also like to have it. Show him that you too share in your life (with your neighbors, your spouse, etc.) and show him the positive reactions of others when he does it in turn (“your sister is very happy to play with this toy”).
Finally, when he is in a group, do not hesitate to set sharing rules by asking and thanking the others with polite expressions, and by agreeing to choose another toy if his friend refuses.
Find out more: “Just a little bit!” by Emile Jadoul, EDL editions.