It’s Dec. I always find it very difficult to resist all the goodies that are for sale. How can I deal with temptations to snack and snack?
Patricia Schutte, nutritionist
December is a month full of temptations for many people. After the gingerbread cookies and chocolate letters, the Christmas wreaths and well-filled stollen follow. And don’t forget the oliebollen stalls. Not an easy month to snack less or watch your weight. But why wait until January 1? What doesn’t arrive in December, doesn’t have to get rid of in the new year.
Hard to say no
Out recent research by the Nutrition Center shows that two thirds of the Dutch want to eat sweets and snack less or are already doing so. But they do find it difficult. For example, because they snack out of habit or because they like it. Some find it difficult to say no when presented with sweets and snacks.
In fact, December only has four holidays, but if you look around, it seems like the whole month (or even longer) of celebration. Where in the past all the December goodies were only available just before the holidays, shops are now often full of delicacies and extra products especially for the ‘festive month’ after the summer.
Tips to snack less in December
Do you want to get through December a little healthy? These tips can help:
- Very simple: don’t buy too much. With a cupboard full of candy you only make it more difficult for yourself. You can’t eat what you don’t have at home.
- Go for smaller portions. Not only when you have something to snack on, but also at Christmas dinner, for example. Go for fewer courses and make the dishes smaller.
- It helps to think about what you want to eat or snack on, and how much of it you want to take. Make a conscious choice and really enjoy it. Eat mindfully.
- Go for the slightly less unhealthy version. For example with Sinterklaas candy: real old-fashioned pepernoten contain less fat and calories than kruidnoten. And kruidnoten with chocolate contain more calories than the ‘regular’ variant.
- Especially during the holidays you can eat more than you would like. Therefore, listen carefully to your body and avoid overeating. When you are satisfied, stop eating.
- Make sure you have a good portion of exercise throughout the month, including during the holidays. Take a nice winter walk or a bike ride, for example. Get off that couch!
And don’t be fooled. In December it can really be harder to resist and turn down all the goodies. So if it doesn’t work one day, just go for it the next day with fresh courage.
Do you also have a question? Then ask one of our experts. Always go to your doctor with urgent questions, the experts are not the right person for that. Nor do they make diagnoses. The other conditions can be found here.
Patricia Schutte has been working as an information officer at the Nutrition Center in The Hague for more than 25 years. She answers questions about healthy, sustainable and safe food.