Since September 2015, each hospitalized patient can give his opinion on his stay at the hospital or clinic. To date, 50,000 patients have already answered the online satisfaction questionnaire. But the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) and the Collectif interassociatif sur la santé (CISS) would like to mobilize patients more widely by asking them not to forget to respond to the invitation that is systematically made to them, two weeks after their discharge from hospital. ‘hospital.
“Collecting patient satisfaction is essential today to measure and improve the quality of care in healthcare establishments” explains the HAS.
1511 hospitals are concerned
In practice, each patient is now asked to provide their e-mail address when admitted for any stay of at least 48 hours in one of the 1,511 establishments with medicine, surgery or obstetrics (MCO) activities.
Then he receives an email two weeks after his release, in which he finds a link to a secure satisfaction questionnaire. In less than 10 minutes, he can give his opinion on:
• his reception in the establishment,
• its management (information, waiting times, respect for privacy/confidentiality, pain management, etc.),
• his room and his meals,
• the organization of his outing.
“Based on patient responses, a satisfaction score will be calculated for each healthcare facility concerned” adds the HAS.
This score will be published on the website at the end of the year and will allow each French person to know the level of satisfaction obtained by each establishment and to compare the health establishments with each other. And hospitals and clinics to know the opinion of their patients and improve.
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