MAINTENANCE. To encourage young graduates to choose a public hospital, the Minister of Health promises bonuses ranging from 10,000 to 30,000 euros by the end of the year.
To encourage doctors to practice in the hospital, the Minister of Health promises many bonuses. By the end of the year, young doctors who have chosen a hospital career will be able to receive a commitment bonus ranging from 10,000 to 30 euros depending on the specialty or the territories, detailed this Tuesday morning Marisol Touraine. In return, they undertake to take the competitive examination for a hospital practitioner, and to remain in this position for at least 3 years once established.
In addition, these young graduates, who undertake to take the competitive examination, will benefit from the same coverage as hospital practitioners (maintenance of 100% of remuneration during maternity leave). The latter have not been forgotten by these measures forming part of the “attractiveness” plan of 250 million by 2019. Doctors practicing only in hospitals for at least 15 years will see their “allowance”. exclusive public service commitment ”valued. They will receive 700 euros gross per month instead of 450 previously.
For Dr Yves Rebufat, president of the union of anesthetists-resuscitators (SNPHAR), interviewed by Why, these measures go in the right direction. But the organization of working time remains the big forgotten. The counting of working hours was however at the center of the strike of September 26.
What do you think of the measures announced in response to the strike?
Yves Rebufat: The measures announced today are going in the right direction, in particular those aimed at young practitioners. The level of remuneration and bonuses are interesting measures to attract them and encourage them to stay in the public hospital.
On the side of temporary workers, Marisol Touraine also made interesting announcements since she undertakes to cap the remuneration of medical interim services, as the law provides, but no amount has been specified.
However, my feeling is mixed. The strike last week focused on 3 points, mainly the recognition of working time. Today, we are only offered a method protocol to talk about it, so it’s a bit light compared to what we might expect.
Are these measures able to make medical careers more attractive?
Yves Rebufat: I think in some specialties they will get there. But my concern about my discipline, anesthesia-resuscitation, is that the amounts are far below the salaries that young private practitioners hope to earn.
And then the problem is not only related to the remuneration. If this is not accompanied by measures which go in the direction of an organization of working time, it will not be enough. So the whole plan must be put in place so that we can hope that it works.
But for the moment the reform of working time is on hold?
Yves Rebufat: Indeed, for the moment there has been no agreement. But the ministry is well aware that the European directive which limits the weekly working time to 48 hours must apply to all, and in particular to all hospital practitioners. There are few professions in our country which exceed this threshold, and which work at night, on weekends and 24 hours a day. Therefore, we have certain specificities in our exercise which make that we are entitled to claim this right. The Council of State recognized this as well as the European Commission. So I hope that this will quickly lead to something, because these new measures will not be enough to slow down our troops if the discussions last too long.