This is a new advance in the prevention of the risks of hereditary cancers. From now on, people who have a serious genetic defect will be obliged to inform their family members of the risk to them. And if they refuse to do so, the geneticist will be able to lift the medical confidentiality and contact the family members by mail, inviting them to consult a doctor.
According to the medical authorities, this measure, which has just been taken by decree, has long been necessary in order to allow better care for people at risk. The decree even provides the letter template that the doctor can send to the family to invite him to consult a geneticist who will be able to give him more details and suggest the examinations he deems useful. “I understand that this letter may surprise you. Other members of your family have probably received the same mail. Some will talk about it and others will prefer to be silent. It is desirable to respect the choices of each one. You will also be able to discuss these aspects with the geneticist whom you consult ”, it is specified in this letter, which may indeed surprise more than one person. According to experts, this authorization to inform is a first step. But all want this followed by an awareness program for patients and families as well as a public health campaign.