The drop in the reimbursement rate for blue sticker drugs
The Social Security financing law for 2011, adopted by the National Assembly on November 2, provides for a drop in the reimbursement rate for blue sticker drugs. As of January 1, 2011, the reimbursement rate for these drugs will drop from 35% to 30%. Individuals who do not have mutual or health insurance will have to pay the remainder.
Increase in the price of consultation with general practitioners
The consultation of general practitioners will be billed 23 euros, against 22 euros today. This measure will take effect on January 1st.
Generalization of the Personal Medical File
Launched in December, the Personal Medical File (DMP) will be rolled out throughout France throughout 2011. This file enables all the medical data of each patient to be computerized. The DMP will be able to collect long-term information relating to medical history, results of biology analyzes, radiology assessments or even data on acts of hospitalization. Accessible by doctors, this DMP will experiment during 2011 with many services such as automatic reminders of vaccines, screening or examinations.
The ban on bisphenol A-based baby bottles
Last June, Parliament voted to ban the manufacture, import, export and marketing of baby bottles made from bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic chemical compound used in the manufacture of polycarbonate type plastics. This measure will soon be extended to all of Europe since the European Union voted last November in favor of banning the production of baby bottles containing BPA from next March. However, the ban will not be extended to all food containers. Many European studies have pointed out the dangers associated with the use of bisphenol A, in particular on the immune system.
Shocking images on cigarette packs
Cigarette packets will be adorned with shocking images from April 2011. They will accompany a specific message on the back of the packet, and general warnings such as “Smoking kills” or “Smoking seriously harms your health and that of those around you. “on the front. In addition, MP Yves Bur has tabled a bill to introduce neutral and standardized cigarette packs.