From July 21, the health pass is mandatory to access certain places, in particular to slow the progression of the Delta variant, which is more contagious than the original strain. Where is it compulsory?
In which places is the health pass compulsory?
The Delta variant, originating in India, is spreading in France, a country which has entered the fourth wave of the coronavirus epidemic. As a reminder, there are three documents that can be presented as part of the health pass, such as:
- a certificate attesting to a complete vaccination, i.e. 7 days after the second injection for the vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca, four weeks after the administration of the Johnson & Johnson serum and 7 days after a single dose in case of history of Covid-19;
- the result of a negative RT-PCR screening test less than 48 hours old;
- the result of a positive RT-PCR test attesting to recovery from Covid-19 which must be at least 11 days old and less than 6 months old.
As of this day, the health pass becomes compulsory in France to go to places that bring together more than 50 people. Indeed, all people over the age of 18 must present the health pass to go to:
- rooms for hearings, conferences, projection, meetings;
- marquees, tents and structures;
- concert and performance halls;
- cinemas;
- festivals (sitting and standing);
- sporting events (outdoor amateur sporting events);
- gaming rooms, escapegames, casinos;
- places of worship if concerts or shows are organized there;
- fairs and exhibitions;
- zoos, amusement parks and circuses;
- museums and temporary exhibition halls;
- libraries (except university and specialized ones);
- fairgrounds with more than 30 stalls or attractions.
And from August?
If the law is passed, from the beginning of August, the health pass must be presented to go to restaurants, shopping centers, hospitals, residences for the elderly as well as in medico-social establishments, is it specified on the government site. It will also be compulsory for long-distance flights, train and bus travel. However, the 50-person gauge will be removed.
In addition, for young people between 12 and 17 years old, the obligation of the health pass will not come into force until August 30, because they are only eligible for vaccination since June. . Regarding employees in structures that welcome the public, they have until August 1 to be inoculated with a first dose of serum against the coronavirus.