Even if it seems from another era, the health record still has its place in the daily life of the French. Issued at birth, it is supposed to accompany all individuals to each medical visit and each examination. 60% of respondents still have it, and carefully note their reminders to vaccines, medical examinations and preventive screening.
A health record kept up to date for vaccines
It is women, active people and those under 50 who say they are the most serious and keep their health record with care and precision. They scrupulously note their vaccine reminders to protect themselves from rubella, whooping cough or even mumps.
This study also reveals that more than a third of French people (35%) have lost or do not know where their health record is. Yet 70% of those polled say they are up to date with their vaccines.
Preventive medical examinations
If the majority of French people are aware of the important preventive medical examinations to pass according to their profile, they are less to practice them seriously and in the right timings.
Indeed 94% know that mammography is free and is used to detect breast cancer, 92% are aware that it is essential to monitor their cholesterol level, blood sugar and blood pressure and for 88% of women a smearevery three years is a must.
However, only 65% of French people over 40 years of age monitor their blood sugar levels every year, only 6 out of 10 women over 20 years of age on oral contraceptives are checked with a blood test every five years. And only 57% of men over 35 who have risk factors or have a family history monitor their hearts with an exercise EKG.