In the United States, a 47-year-old Californian discovered that his large belly and overweight were actually due to a cancerous tumor weighing 35 kilos.
“I just thought I was fat.” It is in these words that Hector Hernandez, a 47-year-old Californian, explains to the Washington Post how he was able to miss a major health problem. From the height of his 136 kilos, the American was often teased by his friends for his “beer belly”, even if he drank it only rarely. And for good reason, it actually hid a cancerous tumor of 35 kilos!
A rare cancer
A few years ago, Hector Hernandez went to see a doctor. His stomach grew bigger, he suffered from constipation, heartburn and had difficulty breathing. Symptoms put on the account of his weight gain only. But the Californian decides to see a second doctor. It is the latter who diagnoses a rare cancerous tumor of fatty tissue, called retroperitoneal liposarcoma. This type of cancer is usually symptomless and is discovered when the tumor becomes very large.
35 kilos, a record weight
Hector Hernandez had to undergo surgery by William Tseng, an oncologist and assistant professor at theUniversity of Southern California, in Los Angeles. “It’s probably the biggest tumor I’ve had to remove,” the doctor told the Washington Post. William Tseng performed a dozen operations of this type, but each tumor weighed on average between 20 and 30 kilos.
Hector Hernandez isn’t the only one to have confused his “beer belly” with simply gaining weight. Last year, a New Jersey man was amazed that his stomach didn’t shrink after losing 30 pounds. In truth, he had a 30-pound cancerous tumor. Surgery was needed to remove it.
Having a big belly can be dangerous
If the expression “beer belly” can make you smile, having a big belly is actually a source of danger. And this, even if the person concerned does not suffer from obesity. A study published a few months ago shows that having a big belly increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The cause: a poor distribution of fat that underlines a sedentary lifestyle, low muscle mass and too many refined carbohydrates. If your waist circumference is larger than your hip circumference, a tip: practice regular physical activity to eliminate it.