Grass pollen will be very present in France this week: 81 departments have been placed on red alert because of this powerful allergen.
- The RNSA has placed 81 departments on red alert due to the rise in grass pollen.
- Grass pollens are, among other things, very present in France due to the rise in temperatures.
- Nearly 25% of the population is sensitive to grass pollen.
If the French suffering from seasonal allergies have been relatively quiet lately, they are at high risk of suffering from hay fever this week. The National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA) has placed 81 departments on red alert due to the rise in grass pollen.
Pollen allergies: grasses are back
In update posted May 22, 2023the RNSA warns: “grass pollen is increasing in power from the south to the north of the country and will affect all departments of France this week with a high level risk of allergy”.
In total, 81 departments of the metropolis have been placed on red alert. Only the north and north-west of the country seem to be less under the influence of these allergens. However, the risk is not zero. These regions are still classified in yellow.
Why are the pollens of grasses – herbaceous plants growing along the roads such as timothy, bluegrass, rye, oats or wheat – so present? They took advantage of the weather.
“The numerous rain showers at the beginning of May may have brought some respite to allergy sufferers by placing pollen on the ground, but they also unfortunately favored the growth and development of grasses. The return of higher temperatures and a sunny weather will favor the emission and dispersion of high concentrations of grass pollen in the air”, explains the watchdog. He adds that the allergic manifestations of people affected by this disorder will only subside during “rare thundershowers” who will cross France over the next few days.
Grass pollen: one of the main causes of seasonal allergies
Grass pollens – which are present from the beginning of May to the end of July – are particularly allergenic. They are thus one of the first sources of hay fever. The RNSA estimates that nearly 25% of the population is susceptible to it. People affected by this disease show many signs:
- allergic rhinitis: sneezing, itchy or stuffy nose, runny nose, etc.;
- allergic conjunctivitis: the eyes are red and watery. They can also scratch;
- respiratory disorders: asthma, sneezing, coughing, respiratory problems.
“Allergics must follow the treatments prescribed by their doctors and allergists or consult them in case of symptoms allergic”warns the RNSA.
Grass pollens are gaining momentum and will affect all departments of France this week with a high level risk of allergy.
Only rare stormy showers can bring temporary respite to allergy sufferers
Good luck to all— National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (@rnsa_pollen) May 23, 2023