Auricular acupuncture involves stimulating points in the ears using needles. This alternative medicine technique would be effective in reducing the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
- Allergic rhinitis causes sneezing, runny nose and sometimes conjunctivitis.
- According to a study, ear acupuncture can reduce these symptoms.
- Used in traditional Chinese medicine, this technique consists of stimulating different points of the external ear, in particular using needles.
Sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes… The symptoms of allergic rhinitis are bothersome and often recurring. Caused by pollens and grasses, this allergic reaction returns with sunny days. Treatments can reduce symptoms, but they can have side effects. In China, researchers have become interested in alternative solutions. In the magazine Heliyonthey demonstrate that auricular acupuncture is effective in relieving the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
Ear acupuncture: effects on several symptoms of allergic rhinitis
The authors, scientists from the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, carried out a meta-analysis: they analyzed and cross-referenced the results of different studies. In total, their work covers fifteen scientific articles, or more than 1,000 patients. They observed the comparative effects of this traditional Chinese medicine technique with control groups on different symptoms. “The effect of ear acupuncture on nasal symptoms of allergic rhinitis was more obvious than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant.”, they conclude. For sneezing, nasal congestion and runny nose, they come to the same conclusion. “Ear acupuncture as an adjunct treatment for allergic rhinitis may have better clinical effectiveness”, they estimate. On the other hand, the scientists point out that there are certain limitations to these results. “Among the 15 studies included, a number of aspects deserve to be mentioned, underline the authors. Few studies were found during this search that examined the use of auricular acupuncture alone in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Future literature should further validate the clinical effectiveness of auricular acupuncture alone as a treatment for allergic rhinitis.”
Alternative medicine: what precautions should be taken?
While awaiting future confirmation of these results, French health authorities are calling for caution with regard to alternative medicines. In dedicated sheet, the Ministry of Health emphasizes that acupuncture should only be practiced by health professionals. “As with acupuncture, the medical professions who can practice auriculotherapy are doctors, dental surgeons for procedures related to dental surgery and midwives for procedures related to obstetrics., says the note. In addition to allergies, this technique can be offered to relieve pain, fight against addictions, sleep disorders or anxiety-depressive symptoms. “If auriculotherapy is carried out while respecting the essential precautions to limit the risk of infection (sterile single-use needles), the risks of serious adverse effects seem limited., estimates the ministry. But he recalls that this method must be used in “a complement to conventional medical care and not a replacement for it..