An embarrassing inconvenience
Many people are ashamed of having hemorrhoids. Yet more than half of the Dutch population suffers from this condition. What are hemorrhoids and what can you do about them?
Hemorrhoids are prolapsed cavernous bodies in and around the anus. Everyone has these cavernous bodies. They keep the anal canal airtight and watertight.
A cavernous body is a spongy network of blood vessels, covered with a thin layer of mucous membrane. They are located at the end of the rectum and at the beginning of the sphincter. Sometimes they become enlarged and can eventually extend outside the anus. The enlargement causes pain, especially during and after going to the toilet. Sometimes they bleed or become inflamed.
Origin of hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids can arise for a variety of reasons. Possible causes are too little exercise, too little drinking or too high a body weight. However, the main cause is in our diet. Today our food contains little fiber. Fiber does not digest and retains moisture, which softens the stool.
Because these fibers are lacking in the diet, the stool becomes hard and dry. As a result, you have to push harder and exert more force during a bowel movement. This irritates the erectile tissues, which subsequently swell. This is how hemorrhoids can develop and sag.
How do you know you have hemorrhoids?
If you have hemorrhoids, you will notice the following symptoms:
The mucous membrane on the hemorrhoid can become fragile. This can cause some bright red blood to get on the toilet paper when wiping the buttocks.
Some intestinal mucus or loose stools may leak through the sphincter. This causes annoying itching.
- When the hemorrhoids in the anus become pinched, they swell further. They can then break and bleed. The sphincter of the anus and the area around it become irritated. This gives a burning sensation and itching.
You can do this yourself
– If you have to go to the toilet, don’t delay it too long. The stool then dries up further and further. Do not strain too much while pooping.
A warm bath allows the anus to relax. A warm sitz bath can also help to combat the symptoms.
– Ointments and suppositories can make the complaints disappear. Be careful with suppositories. Usually they end up above the hemorrhoids and then they don’t work properly.
– Coffee, tea, sugar and carbonated drinks stimulate the anus, which can cause itching. So don’t use it too much.
– Make sure you get enough exercise.
– Wash yourself with cold or lukewarm water without soap and dry the skin well afterwards.
If the symptoms are serious or if they keep coming back, consult your doctor. Even if you have complaints and are not sure whether it is hemorrhoids, it is important that you go to the doctor. The examination may be performed under local anaesthetic.
Medical treatment
There are some medical options to deal with hemorrhoids:
– Returning the erectile tissues to their original position.
– Let the excess mucous membrane bind off with rubber bands. As a result, it dies within seven to ten days.
– An irritating liquid can be injected under the mucous membrane. As a result, the hemorrhoids dry out and shrivel.
– An operation under anesthesia.
– There are also ointments and pills available that can reduce the complaints. Ask your pharmacy, the general practitioner or the drugstore about this.