Using a smartphone in the toilet is not only unhygienic… The habit can also lead to hemorrhoid flare-ups, a British doctor has warned.
- Many people use their smartphones in the toilet.
- This bad habit can cause hemorrhoids.
- The phone is also a breeding ground for bacteria that must be cleaned regularly and avoided taking it down the toilet.
Many people are in the habit of taking their phone to the bathroom to check emails, read the news or play their favorite game.
Dr Sarah Jarvis, GP and clinical director of the UK site patient.infoexplains to The Sun Online that this bad habit can be more serious than one might think. In fact, sitting on the toilet for long periods of time can lead to hemorrhoids.
Bad posture in the toilet can cause hemorrhoids
A very common pathology, hemorrhoids are a network of blood vessels in the walls of the rectum and anus. We must distinguish between “internal hemorrhoids”, which are located inside the anal canal, and “external hemorrhoids”, visible outside the anus only during a hemorrhoid attack. This manifests itself as severe pain, tight and burning sensations and bleeding.
The development of hemorrhoids is influenced by many factors: intestinal transit disorders (constipation or diarrhea), pregnancy, childbirth, premenstrual period, certain physical efforts, consumption of alcohol and spicy dishes… as well as sitting on the toilet. .
“As tempting as it may be to scroll through your apps on your smartphone while you’re on the toilet, we doctors don’t recommend it.” explains Dr. Jarvis. “Instead, boost your diet with plenty of fiber, drink enough fluids, exercise regularly, and leave your cell phone behind (or at least locked) when you visit the little corner.”
Smartphones are breeding grounds for germs
A bout of hemorrhoids isn’t the only risk we face when we take our smartphones to the bathroom. “YOU risk covering it with germs”, warned Dr. Lisa Ackley, who also spoke with The Sun Online. “In the toilet, there are germs on the seat, the flush handle or button, on the toilet roll holder, as well as the toilet door. These bacteria can include anything from norovirus to salmonella.”
A study carried out in 2011 by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine prove. Its authors took 390 samples from mobile phones and the hands of passers-by in 12 UK cities and found that 16% of phones contained the faecal E. coli bacteria, which can cause serious food poisoning if it passes through the digestive tract.
“So, if your hands are dirty and contaminated with viruses or bacteria, and you pick up your phone after using the toilet, you will transfer your germs and any others that your hands have picked up to the phone and then back to your hands. hands, even if you wash them afterwards“, says Dr. Ackerley. “Germs can then go straight into your mouth – from biting your nails or eating chips – or from your hands to food – like making a sandwich.“
To combat this and protect yourself from any illness, regularly clean your phone with a cotton ball or a handkerchief soaked in alcohol, especially during epidemics of flu or sore throat… and avoid taking it to the toilet.