July 7, 2016.
Thursday, July 7, Medicare sent a draft agreement to the unions representing doctors. Among the proposals, we find in particular an increase to 25 € of the consultation for general practitioners in 2018.
€ 2 more by 2018
Since February, the five trade unions representing the profession (CSMF, FMF and SML for specialists and general practitioners, MG France for general practitioners and the Bloc for surgeons) have been negotiating a new agreement with the Health Insurance for the next five years. It is during these negotiations that the consultation rates are set in particular.
General practitioners have been calling for price increases for years. This time, they seem to have been heard, since the Health Insurance has offered them a significant revaluation: € 30 for young children, € 46 for ” complex consultations “And 60 € for a consultation” very complex “. As for the classic consultation, it will increase to 25 €, against 23 € currently. The increase will be done gradually: € 1 more in 2017 and another € 1 in 2018.
Unions want more
The proposals submitted by the Health Insurance to the unions of liberal doctors are evaluated at 750 million euros. One would have thought that this upgrading satisfied the unions, but that was not really the case. ” Put a euro on the consultation now and the 2nd in April 2018, it was necessary to dare », Launched Jean-Paul Hamon, president of the FMF. “ Offer us this after fifteen weeks of negotiations, we are far from the mark Added SML President Eric Henry.
Health Insurance has also announced that it will invest 10 million euros in the fight against medical deserts, ie an aid of € 50,000 for doctors who decide to settle in these areas in dire need of medical personnel. The end of negotiations is scheduled for August 26. Further changes are therefore still possible.
To read also: The “ideal” doctor