Palmistry is a very old divinatory art, which has evolved a lot by diversifying its fields of application and its modes of expression. Free clairvoyance online is no longer a myth or a trap, on the contrary, thanks to palmistry, you will have a glimpse of your future.
The primary function of palmistry is to identify, through esoteric analysis of the lines of the hand, elements that can be used for clairvoyance, in order to predict the future.
A little history of palmistry
It is with this in mind that the Indians and the Chinese developed this divination art, over 5000 years ago, very quickly understanding the mystical meaning that could show through the lines of the hand.
Over time, specific codes have appeared, giving palmistry the particularity of becoming a divination art precise and complex in practice but hardly difficult to understand in theory.
Therefore, many people have tried to try this type of clairvoyance, in order to benefit from the elaborate appearance of this divination technique and the free aspect of his practice (no cost), in order to trap people who can be influenced looking for the truth about their lives.
It was the time of fortune tellers, which promised to reveal the fate of each one, by affirming to have real divinatory gifts, whereas very often the predictions were invented scenarios, which promised future stories of the extraordinary heart and an almost infinite chance to gullible customers.
However, the divinatory esotericism of palmistry has given way, towards the Nineteenth century, to a real science in its own right, no longer based on reading the lines of the hand, but on bringing together different hand shapes and the physical, psychic and mental tendencies which could be their intrinsic beings: palmistry.
Palmistry has been successful through the centuries and is more reserved for an elite, so today each can exercise it individually and discover the initial of the love of his life by looking at the lines of his left hand for right-handed people (the one closest to the heart), and moreover it is free clairvoyance !
Free clairvoyance: left hand or right hand?
First of all, you should know that palmistry differentiates the left hand from the right, so the left represents our karma, that is to say our potential and the right what we do with it.
So for a free clairvoyance of the lines of the hand most effective, it is necessary to lean on the right hand, which represents our real life.
On this one, three lines generally stand out: the life line, the heart line and the head line. So thanks to our more detailed instructions which will follow, you will be able to make your own free clairvoyance of the lines of the hand.
One can find unsuspected indications, among the lines of the hand, concerning our life and every important area connected to it.
Thus the most questioned lines, namely:
- the life line (which indicates the lifetime),
- the heart line (which indicates physical and emotional preferences and aspirations),
- the head line (which indicates quality at work and reflection).
Answers to existential questions
They tell us about our main existential fears: when will i die, would I be happy (himself) in love, would I be professionally successful?
Less visible lines, but just as important, are readable, for example: the line of luck or destiny, which starts from the wrist, and goes up to the middle finger for the lucky ones, because this is a sign of exceptional success.
Parallel to this, another line of luck goes towards the ring finger and indicates, this time, the artistic faculties and the good fortune.
The esotericism pushed to the maximum, also allows us to interpret other secondary lines, which inform us about the health, the sexuality, the financial success etc …
These indications should allow you to discover perhaps a new facet of your personality or even your next love story!