Practical information
- Total time: 120 min
- Preparation time: 120 min
- Difficulty: Medium
- Cost: Reasonable
- Type of cooking: Oven
- Type: Entrance
- Category: Beverage
- The Pâté
- Mix the flour and softened butter by hand (about 5 minutes) add salt, egg whites and water, then mix again until an elastic dough is obtained. Leave to rest for 1 hour.
- For the tourrage: make 1 simple round with half the butter then a 2nd simple round with the remaining butter.
- Roll out the dough to a thickness of 4 mm in a pate mold.
- Prank call
- Cut the meat into cubes and marinate for 24 hours. (marinate with beer and chopped shallots).
- Drain and then pass everything through a chopper.
- Check the seasoning and add the whipping cream.
- Layers of meat
- Cut the pig into slices of 7 mm.
- Let marinate for 24 hours the Foie Gras in 1 cm slices (marinate with chopped shallots and spicy salt)
- Degrease the duck breast and cut it in half.
- Leave the chicken breast whole.
- Assembly: Interleave the layers of meat and the stuffing
- Cooking: Bake at 180 ° C for 1 hour, the last half of which is covered with aluminum foil.
- Jelly
- Cook like a pot in the fire, keeping the bottom clear
- Let the pâté cool for 8 hours then pour the jelly.
- Put in the refrigerator, then pour a second time.
- Serve with a glass of Christmas Beer.
- Alcohol abuse is dangerous for health. To consume with moderation.
Tip: save time by buying the pâté dough already prepared from the baker.