The kick off of the flu vaccination campaign was launched two weeks ago. And already there is a rise in requests for vaccination, reversing the trend observed for four years. It is Open Health, site of Celtipharm, specialist in the statistical processing of health data, which echoes this news. The information is confirmed by Health Insurance, contacted by Europe 1.
“As of November 4, 25 days after the start of the campaign, the real-time estimate of vaccination coverage for people aged 65 and over made by was 36%, 2 points better than the year last, “comments Open Health.
It is still too early to confirm this improvement in vaccinations over a longer term, but this renewed interest in the anti-influenza vaccine would find the beginnings of an explanation by an “Ebola effect”. The wide media coverage of the spread of the virus would eventually rub off on the French, making them more worried and concerned about their health.
“Today, the media talk a lot about Ebola. Having this epidemic, and especially the notion of the risk linked to an infection, arouses protection needs”, assures Bruno Lina, virologist in charge of the National Reference Center on influenza, interviewed by Europe 1.
Will this interest in the flu vaccine be verified to the point of reaching the target of 75% vaccination coverage? A positive response would be premature. Especially since a last PHR / Ifop survey recently indicated that 71% of French people did not intend to be vaccinated against the flu this year.
Health Insurance makes it a point of honor to increase vaccinations against seasonal flu. Until January 1, 2015, its information campaign invites people over 65, pregnant women and people with certain chronic diseases (asthma, diabetes, heart failure, etc.) to be vaccinated.
Are you planning to get the flu shot? Your opinion on the forum.