For the first time of the season, the flu epidemic has a slight slowdown in mainland France although the activity is still high.
- A slowdown in the epidemic is observed in France.
- A decrease in influenza indicators is observed in all age groups in town and in the hospital.
- However, the seizure activity is still very high, and more particularly in children.
After nine weeks of particularly large traffic, the flu shows (finally) signs of fatigue. During its latest weekly assessment on winter viruses published on February 5, 2025, Public Health France relates a “slowdown in the epidemic in France” although “The seamless activity always very high, especially in children”.
The influenza virus weakens, but still remains very active
The week of January 27 to February 2 recorded the first drops of the influenza epidemic indicators. The latter were decreasing in all age groups. THE report Note, among other things, that the share of influenza in SOS doctors records an overall decline of 2 points (25.7 %). Nevertheless, “Activity in the city was still there this week at a very high level carried out particularly by children”warns Public Health France.
In the hospital, signs of improvement are also observed. The influenza syndrome represented 4.6 % of emergency passes against 5.1 % a week earlier. The number of hospitalizations after passage for influenza syndrome also shows signs of bending (-0.5 %). “The level of intensity all ages combined in the 5th week of 2025 went from the very high level to a high level. However, it remained at a very high level in those under 15 and remained high in 65 and over.”
Flu: 121 deaths since the start of the epidemic
In total, since the start of monitoring of the flu epidemic, 1,034 cases of flu have been admitted to resuscitation. 47 % of them were 65 or over. Among them, the presence of at least a comorbidity was postponed for 87 % of cases. Public Health France also indicates that it has identified twenty cases of Co-Infections Flu/Sars-Cov-2 and 11 Flu/Vrs.
In this season, we currently deplore 121 deaths, including 71 among 65 years old or over. “The share of deaths with a statement of flu among the electronically certified deaths was slightly dropped, but remained very high (6.4 % in S05) compared to previous epidemics”specify the experts.