When conventional medicine can do nothing, when drugs do not calm persistent pain, patients with chronic diseases often turn to alternative methods.
Fibromyalgia is the perfect illustration of these pathologies that the medical profession has, for a long time, rejected, for lack of being able to make a precise diagnosis. The patient is in pain but the exams show nothing abnormal. Except, sometimes, depressive states. It is then a dialogue of the deaf that begins with the practitioner. The patient considers himself to be the victim of the double penalty.
But minds change. Recourse to different medicines no longer arouses indifference. Internationally renowned institutions engage in scientific studies to assess their benefits. “Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in the United States have collected clinical trials published between 1966 and March 2016 on the non-drug treatment of fibromyalgia, reports today The Parisian. With promising results.
Acupuncture, mindfulness meditation or even Tai-chi contribute significantly to reducing the pain of these patients.
The first method improves fatigue and anxiety scores; the second reduces stress and sleep disorders; the last allows a reduction of symptoms.
If the Health Insurance still keeps these alternative medicines at a distance, the complementary health, they, make another analysis. Between a patient who is forced to multiply visits to the doctor to find a heavy and expensive drug solution and the patient who will be relieved after several sessions of physical practice, their calculation will be quickly made.