In a fast-food type restaurant, there are some tips for a healthier and more balanced meal, in order to limit the consequences on health.
- More than 1 in 3 French people consume fast food products one to three times a month, according to an ANSES report published in 2021.
- Fries, nuggets, burgers, kebabs… Choosing the foods richest in fiber and the least fat is recommended. For example, take the vegetarian option for the burger.
- On average, a can of soda contains 30g of sugar, 5g more than the daily maximum recommended by the World Health Organization, so all these drinks should be avoided.
More than a third of French people consume fast-food products between one and three times a month, according to a ANSES report published in 2021. Fries, nuggets, burger, kebab or other typical fast food foods are not known for their health benefits. But the Cleveland Clinic, located in Ohio, offers some tips for making healthier choices at these restaurants. “I don’t consider fast food to be healthy in any way, but there are definitely choices we can make that are better than others.“, says dietician Julia Zumpano. She recalls that progress has been made in recent years and healthy options are more numerous.
Fast food: knowing how to decipher the menu, to identify the healthiest choices
“Calories and nutrients are fairly readily available if you look online or on the menu“, explains Kate Patton, dietician. It is thus necessary to favor foods rich in fiber, such as vegetables, and lean proteins. She recommends not to exceed 500 calories per meal.Don’t be afraid to ask for extra vegetables, make a change, or leave something out”, she adds. For example, if you want to eat a burger, the vegetarian or turkey version is healthier than its beef counterpart. These two nutrition specialists advise taking a normal portion, and not a double, or even the child’s version, avoiding bacon-type supplements. “Order your burger without the bun or ask for it to be wrapped in lettuce”they suggest.
Fast food: frying, the product to avoid to reduce health consequences
For these two specialists, the main trick is to absolutely avoid frying. It is better to have a salad or vegetables on the side, or if you really want to eat fries, it is better to choose the smaller portion. Similarly, if the store you are in offers chicken, you will have to choose the grilled version: the crispy version is often synonymous with breaded and fried chicken. Also, fried or breaded fish are not recommended.
Sodas and desserts: sugars to avoid in fast food
These establishments generally carry a large quantity of different sodas, but the healthiest choice is water or unsweetened tea, since the light versions contain sweeteners. For dessert, it is best to avoid products that are too sweet, such as candies. If you fancy an ice cream, the two experts advise taking the child’s portion, or a frozen yogurt.
Fast food salad: a healthier choice?
You ordered a salad in your favorite fast food restaurant and you think you made a wise choice for your health? These two dieticians will disappoint you. Salads marketed in fast food are not always interesting from a nutritional point of view. “Tuna salad is usually topped with mayonnaise and often exceeds the fat recommendations for a normal day”, they note. It is also preferable to ask for the sauce separately, to be able to dose it according to your taste, and to avoid mayonnaise and other creamy sauces which are often very fatty.
Julia Zumpano estimates that this type of restaurant should be frequented once a week at most. “Most food comes from processed ingredients, she recalls. So they are very high in sodium and low in vitamins and minerals, so not really nutritious.” And this, even by making wiser choices!