The majority of French people (61%) are in favor of medically assisted procreation (MAP) for female couples, according to the results of a survey carried out by BVA for the Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES).
The DREES Opinion Barometer is a reference tool for analyzing the evolution of the opinion of the French on their health, on social protection (health insurance, retirement, family, disability-dependency, poverty-exclusion) as well as on social inequalities and social cohesion.
This new edition tells us that 61% of French people are in favor of assisted reproduction for women in couples, that 37% are opposed to it (-6 points) and that 2% do not speak out. Society is evolving, because this poll also reveals that 50% of French people say they agree with the Surrogacy (surrogacy), (an increase of 7 points more than in 2014).
Time for men to babysit
The evolution of society is also expressed in the fact that marriage would no longer be for the majority of French people (64%) the ideal framework for living a fulfilling couple relationship. In 2000, 52% of those polled said the opposite.
Children are no longer a concern of women. In fact, the majority of people questioned (65%) declared that “men should benefit from working time arrangements on the same basis as women” to look after children and 73% of them think that child care children should be shared between both parents. Only 15% prefer custody by one of the parents, regardless of which one, and 11% by the mother.
Read also:
Europeans in favor of assisted reproduction for all women
IVF: 5 years to have a baby
PMA: towards a relaxation of the law for lesbian couples?