Dust mites arrive at the same time as autumn, with its share of respiratory allergies for which they may be responsible. Symptoms, treatments, tips for getting rid of them… Focus on these microscopic animals that inhabit our homes.
- Just 2 milligrams of dust mites per gram of dust can cause an allergic reaction and 10 milligrams per gram of dust can cause an asthma attack.
- Colonies of several million dust mites, invisible to the naked eye, lodge in particular in the bedroom, in bedding, especially in mattresses, pillows, duvets and eiderdowns, but also armchairs , cushions and rugs.
- Dust mites are the cause of 40% of respiratory allergies, which makes them the 2nd source of allergy after pollens.
Autumn isn’t just about the return of cold, rain and dead leaves… It’s also about dust mites! If they are present all year round, dust mites are much more numerous in our homes in the fall and winter. The ideal conditions for their proliferation are all met at this time of year: humid weather, less ventilation and more heating. They take advantage of it to reproduce and for a reason 300 eggs per month for a lifespan of 2 to 3 months, their number multiplies very quickly.
Dust mite allergy symptoms and treatments
The problem is that dust mites are the cause of 40% of respiratory allergies, which makes it the 2nd source of allergy after pollens. To they alone are at the origin of the majority of asthma in children (65 to 90% depending on the country). For children and adults with asthma, chronic exposure to indoor allergens, such as dust mites, not only generates risks of respiratory symptoms, but also disorders of lung function. A study reveals that out of 57% of respondents with symptoms of dust mite allergy, only 15% were diagnosed. Because the symptoms – recurrent sneezing, stuffy or runny or itchy nose, swollen or itchy eyes, itchy throat, eczema, coughing, wheezing, general fatigue – are often confused with those of the common cold or flu.
To be sure of the diagnosis and to be able to treat yourself, it is important to consult a doctor or an allergist. Of the testing simple exist and effective solutions can be proposed to you. The treatments prescribed to help patients better control their allergic symptoms are of two types: drugs such as antihistamines and/or local corticosteroids which act directly on the symptoms, and desensitization (the most effective long-term treatment) thanks to to allergen immunotherapy (ITA) which rebalances the immune system, the benefits of which continue after stopping treatment.
Dust mites: how to get rid of them?
It is very difficult to completely get rid of dust mites, but you can considerably reduce their number with a few simple actions. The most important thing is to ventilate, even in winter! Opening the windows twice a day for 15 minutes, and especially after daily activities that produce humidity (shower, bath, cooking food, laundry), is necessary. But this is not always enough: controlled mechanical ventilation (VMC) can then be more effective. In addition to this, you can equip yourself with an anti-mite cover which must completely enclose the mattress to be efficient.
It is also important to reduce the humidity in the house as much as possible and to avoid heating the rooms to more than 19°C. Prefer smooth floors and avoid carpets and rugs, which tend to attract dust where dust mites live: one gram of dust can contain up to 2000. Wash bedding regularly at more than 60° C. Pass regularly vacuum with a high efficiency filter for airborne particles (HEPA 13 or 14) and dust with a damp microfiber cloth. Also remember to wash duvets, pillows and blankets every three months. Stuffed animals and cuddly toys are also exposed to dust mites: remember to wash them from time to time and put them in a bag or place them in the freezer for 24 hours so that they have no chance of proliferating.