Even with a gluten-free diet, you ingest gluten. Researchers have found traces of it in the urine and stools of patients with celiac disease who were following a gluten-free diet.
Gluten intolerance is more and more frequent. Also called celiac disease, it affects 1% of the world’s population. The French association of gluten intolerant (AFDIAG) estimates that in France only 10 to 20% of cases would be diagnosed. To cure it, the first treatment is a gluten-free diet.
But contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to completely exclude gluten from our diet. This is what a study published on the site of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and carried out by American and Spanish researchers.
Between 150 and 400 milligrams of gluten consumed each day
Scientists have sought to measure the amount of gluten unintentionally consumed by those with gluten intolerance. Analysis of their stool and urine shows that unintentional gluten exposure for these people is between 150 and 400 milligrams per day. If for the moment, it is difficult to determine where this gluten comes from and how to eliminate it, it is certain that this involuntary consumption can worsen or at least prolong the symptoms of celiac disease, and damage the stomach. .
A disease that damages the intestine
People with gluten intolerance suffer from inflammatory reactions in their intestinal wall every time they ingest gluten. This is “gliadin”, a protein that makes up gluten and causes allergy. It is found in wheat, spelled, kamut, barley or rye. Ultimately, the disease damages the folds of the intestine, which is scientifically called the villi. A phenomenon that alters the functioning of the digestive system. The essential nutrients (proteins, sugars, fats ..) will be less well assimilated by the body. Ultimately, an untreated celiac person risks suffering from multiple nutritional deficiencies, even anemia or cancer. digestive.