Sensation of dizziness, sweating, discomforts, excessive salivation, nausea even vomiting … For some people, a simple car trip can prove to be a real ordeal. For others, it is on the water that troubles arise. the travel sickness is certainly benign, but disabling.
Ginger and mint anti-nausea
To effectively reduce symptoms, we combine the two essential oils antinausea with this mixture: 1 drop of EO of ginger, 1 drop of EO of pepper mint, 1 C. coffee oilAlmond. We apply a few drops in massage on the neck, at the height of the carotid artery. Peppermint is prohibited for pregnant or breastfeeding women, subjects with epilepsy, children under 7 years old and the elderly. Ginger should be avoided during the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Express solution
In adults, we put on peppermint and ginger, both anti-nausea.
Oral: take 1 drop of essential oil of ginger or peppermint in a little honey or a neutral tablet before the trip.
By olfactory route: pour 2 drops of peppermint on a tissue and breathe regularly.
In children under 7 years old: breathe 1 to 2 drops of EO of lavender officinal or lemon on a handkerchief. After 7 years, before departure and once or twice during the trip, give 1 drop of essential oil of lemon in a little honey or on a sugar.
More advice +
Ginger can also be used in powder form, in capsule, at a rate of 250 mg to 1 g, one hour before departure. It is repeated every 4 hours until symptoms disappear. Peppermint can be taken as a herbal tea: 1 teaspoon of dried leaves is left to infuse for 10 minutes in 150 ml of boiling water.
Read also :
Motion sickness: 5 gentle solutions to avoid it
Ginger, against motion sickness