Endometriosis is a cancer-like disease without cancer cells. Enora Malagré suffers from endometriosis. On Wednesday she brought a brutal but real testimony, on Europe 1, to raise awareness of this disease which is still a taboo. A courageous initiative in the face of this evil which affects – in indifference – one in ten women.
The best medical shows in a media are not always in the spaces dedicated to them … Philippe Vandel, the excellent host of Village Media, has just proven it. In this program, devoted to media news, he received on Thursday, Enora Malagré came on the show to announce – we will not talk about promotion, a term that would be inappropriate – the broadcast on Saturday by Teva of a program on endometriosis. No information can replace the strength of the testimony – often moving – of a patient who suffers on a daily basis. While she rather has the image of a “bimbo”, coming to talk about the uterus, the loss of blood, the smell … is an act of courage which goes well beyond the taste of exhibition in which he had been confined a little quickly. Because what she says is undoubtedly the daily life of one in ten women in our country.
Endometriosis, as one of the specialists in the disease describes it, is “a cancer without cancerous cells” … That is to say that the lesions of the disease (a kind of cyst) spread like the metastases of a Cancer. With the same pain as these. endometriosis is painful like cancer from which you do not die. This show perfectly describes an ordeal that she is not alone in enduring in France.
Suffering during menstruation
Pain in the pelvis and stomach during menstruation, sometimes after sex, the symptoms of endometriosis are very debilitating for the 10 to 15% of women who suffer from it. This chronic disease can also cause infertility in 25 to 50% of cases.
For those who persevere and get pregnant, the fight is not over: the pregnancies of women who have suffered from endometriosis are risky, according to the results of a major meta-analysis, the results of which are published in the journal Fertility and sterility.
An analysis of more than 2 million women
To come to this conclusion, the researchers reviewed data from 24 studies on pregnancy and endometriosis with a total of more than 2 million women suffering from the disease. Together, these studies suggest that the risk of premature birth and miscarriage is higher. Pregnancies more often lead to improper positioning of the placenta (placenta previa) and to cesarean sections. Newborns therefore also have a lower birth weight.
Previous studies on endometriosis and pregnancy had yielded conflicting results, but the meta-analysis helps to clarify matters. A major element in favor of early treatment.
Delay in diagnosis prejudicial to the prognosis
While at least one in ten women suffers from this gynecological disease, doctors take between 6 and 8 years to make the diagnosis. Delay is the source of repeated intense suffering for the sick. In women with endometriosis, the endometrium, the tissue that normally lines only the inside of the uterus, develops into the tubes and can also reach the ovaries, even extending to the urinary tract or digestive and throughout the stomach. However, during each period of menstruation, if there has been no fertilization, this innervated and vascularized tissue, which developed during the first part of the cycle in order to promote the possible implantation of an egg. fertilized, disintegrates and must be eliminated.
France late
Unfortunately, this pain during menstruation, which usually appears in adolescence, still rarely alert doctors. The disease then has time to spread, to cause lesions and will end up directly impacting the fertility of women. About 40% of women who have difficulty conceiving have endometriosis. Disastrous consequences while early treatments could stem the progression of the disease.
In France, the High Authority for Health planned to publish by December its first recommendations of good practice for the management of this disease … They are still awaited.