You have known Elodie Gossuin as Miss France and Miss Europe in 2001. Since then, the former beauty queen has come a long way: model, regional advisor, pilot, she is today a presenter on M6 and ambassador ofUnicef. Mom of four children (twice twins), she published her first baptized comic Mam’s (ed. Solar). His niche? Talking without taboo about the endless challenges of parenting in a tone guilt-free and liberating. For Top Santé, she shares the keys to (finally) letting go. Exclusive interview.
Top Santé: Why this book?
Elodie Gossuin: “ The comic format is a fun way to approach serious subjects and it suits me a lot. I tackle subjects that suit me but which ultimately concern everyone. Mental load, social networks, self-confidence, family life… I think that many of us find ourselves in this book and that certain passages can make you smile – while relieving guilt – whether you are a parent or not “.
Top Santé: As a mother of two twins, have you often felt the need to relieve guilt and let go?
EG: “ I would say that it is in phases. It is more often during pregnancy or when the children are very small that we have to make guilty remarks. It is also a period when we are more fragile, more sensitive. Over time, we become stronger, more confident in ourselves. Either way, there will always be people who can make us feel guilty. But you have to stay away from toxic people. I talk about it in the book [page 101 #balancezvosconnards, ndlr] and just putting these words on paper was liberating for me! »
Top Santé: How do you relieve pressure and take care of yourself?
EG: “ I’ll be honest, finding time for myself isn’t easy. The proof, just before this interview, I was coming back from shopping. Today, I manage meals while working, and tonight there is a parent-teacher meeting! We might as well tell you that the weekend is going to be nice! (laughing) Taking care of myself can therefore be complicated. And even more so, since I don’t have a schedule. It changes every week. But I remain optimistic and positive! And above all, I am lucky enough to live in the countryside which allows me to be physically active. As soon as I have half an hour, I put on my sneakers and go running. Sport is my first medicine. Being able to get some fresh air, being in contact with nature, allows me to evacuate and does me more psychological than physical good. I also learned to let go of guilt and put things into perspective. It’s impossible to do everything perfectly. Today, I have 8 loads of laundry behind and I sometimes give in when my children ask me for McDonald’s (as long as it remains occasional) “.
Top Santé: Exactly, what does your shopping basket look like? Are you able to maintain a good diet despite everything you have to deal with?
EG: “ My diet is not a long, quiet river with principles respected to the letter. We must do what we can, depending on the time we have and what can do good for everyone. The majority of my shopping cart contains fruits, vegetables and fish costs. A true bon vivant, I love discovering new flavors and my husband is a good cook. My children are used to spices and eat a variety of foods. Nutrition education is also part of education. And yet, I am not an extremist in wanting to remove everything that is not healthy. Cooking takes time, you can’t do it for every meal. We simply do the best we can! “.
Top Santé: What advice would you give to people (parents or not) who have difficulty letting go and feeling guilty?
EG: “ First of all, I want to tell you, if you feel guilty, it’s because you are exceptional. Otherwise, you wouldn’t even question yourself. And this goes for everyone, it’s not just parents who have a mental burden. Learn selfishly to say no and to think only of yourself from time to time, without worrying about what others say. For my part, my problem is that I never anticipate anything. We might as well tell you that the back-to-school rush is hell! But today I will be able to pick up my children from school. Learn to prioritize between what is most important and what can wait. To free yourself from the mental burden, also allow yourself to do nothing. Just because it’s the weekend doesn’t mean you always have to organize a meal with friends. Listen to yourself and your needs “.