Noself-medication if not paracetamol. Ear pain always requires a consultation to check the condition of the eardrum, diagnose the type of otitis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Be careful never to put anything in thehear (anesthetic drop, vasoconstrictor, drop from a previous otitis) because, in the event of a perforated eardrum, any substance can permanently damage the ear.
In homeo (in addition to allopathic treatment):
– Chamomilla 7 CH alternating with Ferrum phosphoricum 7 CH (3 granules every 2 hours) in the event of congestive otitis.
– Arsenicum album 7 CH (3 granules 4 to 6 times a day) until improvement of the symptoms, if the pains occur between midnight and 3 am and are improved by heat in local application. The child is anxious and agitated, he has diarrhea.
– Tellurium 7 CH (4 to 6 times a day) until symptoms improve if the ear leaks after perforation of the eardrum.